Lausanne, Switzerland
Before starting my PhD, I obtained an MSc in Computer Science from EPFL, Switzerland.
Outside of my academic pursuits, I am a passionate watchmaking enthusiast. I learn and practice this craft during my leisure time.
My current research focuses on software verification, particularly with Stainless, a verifier for a subset of Scala that uses SMT solvers to find counterexamples to contracts or prove their validity.
My main goal with my thesis is to make software verification more accessible. I plan to contribute in that direction through two axes: first, by developing a library of verified software or verified frameworks (e.g., data structures, a regular expression matching engine, a lexing framework), and second, by contributing to tool development to make verifying software easier and, therefore, more widespread.
My recent projects include:
Part of my verification work is available on Bolts, a library of programs verified with Stainless.
Some of my past projects include:
[4] (pdf) Chassot, S., Kunčak, V. (2024). Verifying a Realistic Mutable Hash Table. In: Benzmüller, C., Heule, M.J., Schmidt, R.A. (eds) Automated Reasoning. IJCAR 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 14739. Springer
[3] (pdf) (Preprint) (Master Thesis) Andrea Veneziano, and Samuel Chassot. "SVSHI: Secure and Verified Smart Home Infrastructure." (2022).
[2] (pdf) (Preprint) Samuel Chassot. "Development of a NIC driver in C#" .CoRR abs/2107.12833 (2021).
[1] (pdf) Daniel Filipe Nunes Silva, Samuel Chassot, Luca Barras, Deblina Bhattacharjee, and Sabine Süsstrunk. "Scaling up an Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Framework from Basic to Complex Scenes". American Journal of Computer Science and Technology 4, no.4 (2021): 97-105.
(slides) Verifying a Realistic Mutable Hash Table. IJCAR 2024.
This section contains interesting SMT queries I encountered in my projects. They can serve as benchmark.